Notice of Intent - MCWD Campus Paving Request for Bid
After opening the bids received by 4:00 PM June 18, 2024, Spiess Construction Co. submitted the lowest responsive bid in the amount of $2,057,730.30 and Mammoth Community Water District (MCWD) intends to award the contract to Spiess Construction Company.
MCWD Campus Paving NOI.pdfCAMPUS PAVING BID TABULATION.pdfMCWD Campus Paving RFB FINAL 05.23.24.pdfAddendum 1 (Campus Paving).pdfAttachment 1- Project Plans_Rev1_6-13.pdfAttachment 2-Technical Specs_FINAL_5-23.pdfSWPPP Campus Paving (Sample).pdfTOML Grading Permit.pdf