Surface Water

Mammoth Creek Flows
Mammoth Creek EIR
Mammoth Creek Final Environment Impact Report - Mammoth Creek Fishery Bypass FlowMammoth Creek Final EIR Appendix A – Appendix A, Final Mammoth Creek EIR, May 2011
Draft EIR CoverExecutive SummaryTable of ContentsChapter 01 IntroductionChapter 02 Proposed Project & AlternativesChapter 03 Overview of Analytical ApproachChapter 04 HydrologyChapter 05 Water QualityChapter 06 Fisheries & Aquatic ResourcesChapter 07 Wildlife & Botanical ResourcesChapter 08 Recreational ResourcesChapter 09 Visual ResourcesChapter 10 Other CEQA ConsiderationsChapter 11 Climate Change ConsiderationsChapter 12 Consultation & CoordinationChapter 13 List of PreparersChapter 14 ReferencesAppendix A NOP & Public CommentsAppendix B MCWD Water Conservation MeasuresAppendix C MCWD Model Technical AppendixAppendix D Cover PageAppendix D-1 Prop Proj Alt vs. Existing ConditionAppendix D-2 BFR Alt No.2 vs. Existing ConditionAppendix D-3 P-17332 BFR Alt vs. Existing ConditionAppendix D-4 No Proj Alt ELOD vs. Existing ConditionAppendix D-5 No Proj Alt FLOD vs. Existing ConditionAppendix D-6 Cumulative Condition vs. Existing ConditionAppendix E Fish Populations of Mammoth CreekAppendix E Attachment AAppendix E Attachment BAppendix F Plant & Wildlife Species Compendium
Fishery Reports