MCWD Facts
District Area
- Acreage: 3,722 acres / 5.8 square miles
- Primary Land Use: Residential, commercial
- Population: 8,200 permanent residents / 33,500 persons on peak winter weekends
- Date of Formation: August 5, 1957
- Governing Body: A 5-member Board of Directors elected by the registered voters of Mammoth Lakes
- Staff: 43 full-time employees, plus seasonal employees as needed; overseen by a General Manager
Facilities and Operation
- Wastewater Treatment Plant (original): Constructed 1965 (upgraded in 1980, 1982, 1992, 2004, 2007)
- Administration Building: Constructed 1971
- Vehicle Maintenance Building: Constructed 1975
- Groundwater Treatment Plant 1: Constructed 1988
- Lake Mary Plant: Constructed 1978; (Capacity 3.1 million gallons per day)
- Groundwater Treatment Plant 2: Constructed 1994
- Engineering/Operations Building: Constructed 1998
- Vehicle Storage Building: Constructed 2000
- Recycled Water Facility: Constructed 2009
- Photovoltaic Power Plant: Constructed 2010-2011 (see separate handout for more details)
- Equipment Storage Building: Constructed 2016
- Water Lines: 80 miles
- Sewer Lines: 75 miles
- Surface Water Source: Lake Mary
- Groundwater Sources: 9 Production wells / 30 Monitoring wells (throughout the Mammoth Lakes Basin)
Fun Facts
- Average Drinking Water Demand: 1.33 Million Gallons/Day (MGD) from October – April
- Average Demand During Irrigation Season: 3-5 Million Gallons/Day (MGD) from May – September
- Wastewater Flow (average): 1.14 MGD
- Biggest Wastewater Flows: Occur during President’s Week in February
- Changed name from Mammoth County Water District to Mammoth Community Water District: 1994